Monday, November 26, 2007

Hunters questionable music is driving me crazy !

Hello everyone,

Its been a few days since I talked to you all. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I was at SAS but we had a very slow shift and I got to run to Sycamore for about an hour and visit. We ate too much at the ambulance service and slept the rest of the day. Unfortunately, we had a Bham trip during the night and then a wreck. So I was tired when I got off.

Friday, I was off and slept more than I was awake. It was relaxing for the most part. Amy did not feel well and did not rest well.

Saturday, I was back at TCC for a 1030 to 1030 shift. We were busy for the most part so the shift went quickly. Amy still did not feel well so Hunter and her did not do much.

Sunday, back to SAS, now you talk about a slow shift. it was absolutely slow. We ran 4 calls total and only transported two of those. I got a lot of rest but it still was a day at SAS which I would rather be home instead. Hunter aggravated Amy so that made life interesting for a little while. I sure wish I could get him not to do that when she feels bad. But he is 14 and showing it.

And now to today, I got off and spent some time working on WEF business. That is Winterboro Educational Foundation. Then after getting home and getting ready to go to work, got involved with working on band business. I don't know how much I have said about the band stuff, but it is in a mess. The school and us parents are getting it straightened out. They are working hard on getting a new director in place, and I can not wait. The kids need to be playing instead of goofing off. Maybe soon. I of course am at TCC now. We have been very busy. Then on top of that, I have been listening to music to approve or disapprove for his i-pod. I do not know where he finds some of this music, but then I have to remember how I listened to everything and found some weird music at times. And of course, if it was questionable I would try it. So I now find myself paying for that. He does not do to bad, but some is of question as to content.

It is now almost time to go to the house. I am ready. Tomorrow brings a off day, but I'm sure it will be full of things to do. I will let you know.


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