Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Merry Christmas to everyone
Hello and Merry Christmas to everyone,
I hope that you have great day with your families as I plan to. I thought I would share a couple of my favorite memories from my childhood with you in the form of the videos. I LOVED this cartoon for these two clips as a child. I out one at the top and one at the bottom. ENJOY
All I have done this week is work and enjoy driving my car. It is a blast and the attention is very amusing to watch.
Again, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I got my SMART

It's only taken a year and a month to get, but I have a SMART. It's name (for now) is LIL Guy. May change later. I picked it up this morning and plan on driving as much as possible today. I will get more pics on my picture place later.
We are awaiting Peggy to get home from the hospital right now. She seemed to be doing good last night. I will brief you later on her progress. Oh, I guess I should tell you why she was in the hospital, for those that did not know. She had a pace maker placed on Friday.
Hunter and I are going to Trans Siberian Orchestra concert tonight. We are staying with the Rogers for the next couple nights to help with her care.
Well, talk to you later.

Monday, December 8, 2008
Smart group of People

The people in the picture above are members of BAMA SMARTIES, a enthusiast group for Smart cars here in Alabama. As I said, a group of Smart people. You can visit our blog site for the group at the Smart USA site at the following link.
We had our first meet and greet on Saturday at the Smart center in Birmingham which is at Crown Automobile. It was a lot of fun for me. I enjoyed having people that have the cars already to ask some questions and then Susan let me ride with her on the ride part and I got to experience the car first hand. It is all that I thought it would be. I can not wiat for my car to gfet here!
Other than that, the only thing besides work that has happened was the parade in Sylacauga Saturday night. It went pretty well. It was COLD.
This week is packed full. I will be in Birmingham most of the week. I will stay with the Rogers several nights. Saunday was at TCC and back today (Monday). I have the BREMSS Banquit Tuesday night, than back to work at 6:30 am Wednsday. The I have to be in Jasper Thursday morning. Hunter performs at the Hospital Thursday night and then I am back to UAB Friday for a class before going to StillWaters Friday night for a Christmas party. And then class on Saturday for annual licence CEUs.
I will try to update you sometime during the week.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A thought for us during this christmas season with the help of Casting Crowns
Hello to everyone,
I am at TCC for the 5th day this week and am ready for a break. I go to Still Waters for a 48 hour shift tomorrow, but at least it is a change in scenery.
Amy and Hunter got home safely from ATL on Saturday night. They stayed at the Rogers till tonight and are now on the way HOME. Yes, I said home. Amy and I are going to work threw some additional issues, but have missed each other and have come to an agreement to work threw our differences and road blocks together as a family. This means a lot to me and I will continue to pray and work hard to make my family happy and one again. Thank you all for your support and words of encouragement over the last few weeks. I know that all is not healed nor perfect, but I also know that with love, all things are possible.
I will talk to everyone later in the week.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas stress is upon me.
Hello to everyone,
As we have passed Thanksgiving, It is now time for all the stresses of Christmas and gift purchasing to emerge on us. This time of year is always stressful on me, even with most of my gift decisions already made and for that much, mostly ready for pick up. There are always a few gifts that seem to be hard for me to find or figure out.
Then it comes to the question at hand that I never can answer, "What do you want for Christmas?". I am a dreamer of things, but really do not care one way or the other. Yes I dream of a lot of things, but they are dreams and not needs. But since I was told that my wish list was small the other day, I have gone in and made a true dream list on amazon. The button above will take you to that list and just knock yourself out from it. Just kidding.
Now, a little soap box about Christmas time. I love Christmas, I just hate the stresses of Christmas and that brings me down. I ask all of you to reflect on the value of your family during this time and devote quality time with them. I am not one that has done this well in the past, but want to try hard this year to make more time to relax and love with my family. Unfortunately, I have to work Christmas Eve, but plan on spending the day with them and some more days around that time.
For those that need to know a few crucial dates for December, I will give you the important dates that I know of for my family. 4th is WHS Band concert at 6:30pm, 6th is WHS parades in Sycamore and Sylacauga, 11th is Hunter's performance at CVMC for the tree lighting, 13th is the White family Christmas day, 19th is Early School Dismissal day and of course the 25th - Christmas day
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend and it was safe for you all.
And the last thing for today.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A long Thanksgiving week to come.

Hello to everyone,
I have been away from here for a couple weeks to let myself do some thinking about how I want to proceed with my blog or if I was going to even do it at all. I do enjoy working with it, so I have decide that I will do it when I feel the urge to do something on it. i know a lot of you use this to keep up with me and I will do my best to let you know what is up with me.
Since my last post, there has been a little progress made between Amy and I to a better understanding of feelings, or lack there of, and what each of us are looking for. I still pray for a resolve. I feel that we have both grown in understanding and respect of each others feelings. Still a lot to work on.
Hunter has stayed with me for the last couple weeks and we have had some good times. We went to the ABC 33/40 skywatcher program last weekend and re certified in our storm spotter for the year. If you watch ABC 33/40 and you see a weather advertisement where James talks and then the watchers are shown behind him, Hunter and I are to the very top Right side of the group.
Amy has not felt well in a couple weeks with a cold and then a stomach bug, butt seems to be doing better. She and Hunter are going to ATL for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I get to work night shifts this week and pull Wednesday threw Sunday morning straight threw. I am still hunting a part time job since Home Depot did not have any openings for me. I guess I will call around to some ambulance companies this coming week and see what is out there.
I do not have anything else for today. I will try to update you during the week.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What to do about an attitude?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tractor Cruise, Done for this year!
Yes, its really over for awhile. I guess I will start working on next year in the summer. It went well, just wish we had more participation. Everyone had a good time. The picture above is all the participants at lunch in front of the sign that was pulled threw out the cruise with kids and teachers from the school riding. Joe ended up pulling the float since my tractor would not handle it at all. I hope to make a collaboration of pictures from everyone I can get them from and make a album. I will let you know when done.
After the cruise and cleanup. We headed to a throw down Halloween party. I can't tell you to much about it for the risk of ruining my reputation or incriminating myself. Lets just say that I had a good time but do not remember the getting home part. Thank god for Amy not drinking. I will post a picture of me in my costume of a Tequila Bottle for you to see. I wish there was a better one with the full head part on, but there is not. Unfortunately, It looked like a Tequila bottle from the front when you could see the logo, but Hunter made em take it off cause of what it looked like from the side and back which we can not mention on here where kids might be reading.
Not much else to report to you. No big changes have happened in the situation at hand. I may not say a lot on this about that for awhile so that we can have the privacy to work threw some issues without help from the peanut gallery. We thank all of you for your concerns and prayers. Please be patient and keep praying for us.
Love to Everyone,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Its Tractor Time in Winterboro

Hello everyone,
Yes, after a year of you hearing about it, it going to be over soon. This Saturday is the First Annual Tractor Winterboro Cruise. Everything looks to be in place and I am ready to get on the road.
Fox 6 News reporter Chris Montana did a great piece on the cruise. The link to it on the web site is -;jsessionid=FFFC75166B0A114EF3BFBA4802E0F792?contentId=7751502&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
If you can not get the video, try this:
I will have a ton of pictures for you after the weekend is over.
Not much to tell you right now because all I have done is work on the cruise and talk to Amy.
Need to get a good nap in, but that will not happen any day soon. Wish us luck on the cruise.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
40 years to correct 1 day

Hello to everyone,
I want to share with you this morning a message that I received from the local pastor. Yes, I went to church this morning. I decided on the way to Work at Still Waters that I would go to the local Methodist church that is just down the hill from the gate to Still Waters. It is a small church and I knew that one of the members of the fire department went there. It was a wonderful church. Hard to describe, but it was both small and old and new and modern. It had a great fill to it. The picture above is the front of the church as you look out during the service. It reminded me so much of the views from Christ Church and the feel of Sycamore or Berry.
Anyway, I received a message today during the pastors sermon that I want to share. It is based on the scripture of Exodus 32: 1-14. It talks about that even god became angry at his people but was able to change his mind and let go. In the verses, Moses has been gone some time into the mountain and the people became restless and felt abandoned. So they went and built an idle to worship because they were scared that Moses, their leader, had abandoned them. from here I want to quote what the Bible I am using says;
God spoke to Moses, "Go! Get down there! Your people whom you brought up from the land of Egypt have fallen to pieces. In no time at all they've turned away from the way I commanded them: They made a molten calf and worshiped it. They've sacrificed to it and said, "These are the gods, O Israel, that brought you up from the land of Egypt!"
God said to Moses, "I look at this people--oh!what a stubborn,hard-headed people! Let me alone now, give my anger free reign to burst into flames and incinerate them, But I'll make a great nation out of you."
Moses tried to calm hid God down. He said,"Why, God, would you lose your temper with your people? Why, you brought them out of Egypt in a tremendous demonstration of power and strength. Why let the Egyptians say, 'He had it in for them - he brought them out so he could kill them in the mountains, wipe them right off the face of the Earth. 'Stop you anger. Think twice about bringing evil against your people! Think of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, your servants to whom you gave your word, telling them 'I will give this land to your children as their land forever,'"
And GOD did think twice. He decided not to do evil he had threatened against his people.
As I listened and took in the words of the pastor, he talked of how we all don't do right all the time and "even God can change his mind". But then he said something else that just really struck me as the truth of especially my situation. He said" It took 1 day for GOD to get his people out of Egypt, It took 40 years to get Egypt out of his people." And that lead me to the revelation that even though I have decided to make a change to find HAPPINESS, FAITH and PEACE in my life, I can make the decision quickly, its the change that will take awhile to happen.
Then I heard myself saying, ' why did it take so long for you to see that a change was needed.' The answer is that it did not take a long time for me to see that a change was needed, I saw that a change was needed many a year ago. I just did not follow threw when I said I needed to make a change. Even though I promised GOD, Myself, Amy and Hunter that I would change, It was easier not to change and I would forget about it before I was out the door. I am going to insert a song that says this in as clear of words as I have ever heard before. The problem is that I have listened to this song many a time and thought the same thing, but with out conviction, it is not possible to change.
Thank you for listning to me and my GOD be with us all as we try so hard to be who we need to be.
A song for Amy
Hello everyone,
Today has been a day that I have been on one of the roller coasters that I have been riding for the last few weeks. Amy decided that some time for us to breath and think was in order. I understand what she is saying, but that does not make it any easier for me. I don't think it is easy for her either, but she has the edge of understanding her thoughts that I do not have.
As most of you to know, I am a music person anyway. As I have been listening to my i-pod or radio, I have found several songs that I identify with right now. The song with this blog page is one that says a lot of what I am feeling in words that I identify easily. I have several more that I am hanging onto right now. I have already used a couple in previous blogs, but still keep coming up with more. I have made a playlist of these songs for Amy, and once she has listened to them and we talk, I will post this playlist to the side of my blog to share with you also. I feel it important that we have a chance to talk about the meaning of them before I share them.
I do have a playlist to the right side of the blogs of songs that I like right now. But these are not specific to Amy or our situation.
Last night was Homecoming at Winterboro. The Bulldogs were victorious and everyone seemed to have a good night. I worked for the band boosters by frying french fries. I never heard how we did as far as money, but I know the kept busy. After the game, there was a dance and Amy was asked to be a watch dig for "dirty dancing" so she asked me to help. I floated around and helped keep eyes on students. Again, everyone seemed to have a good time, except for Hunter. I wish he could learn that his dad's ways of being grumpy are not the best way. I sure have struggled with it all my adult life, but I hate that he has it. He should have had a blast instead of not.
I don't think it took to much to get me to go to sleep after the day I had, but it was still not easy with the feelings stirring in me of what was happening and how can I fix it. I guess my sleeping aid kicked in and I went down. Unfortunately, I awoke about 10 to 10:30 and my mind cranked right up. I decide about 11 that I could still sleep almost 6 hours before getting up for work, so I took another aid to sleep. Sometime this afternoon, Amy and Hunter showed up to get some things from the house and about scared the crap out of me. When they had gotten whatever they came to get, I finally was fully out of my stupor from the pills. I knew I could not take another and perform tonight here at TCC, So I just got up and tinkered around. I did some laundry and gathered some cans up for recycling. I then got ready to leave for work and went ahead and left to make some stops along the way. The first stop was for something I have not done in along time, but had a craving for a good cigar for tomorrow, so I stooped at "The Humidor Room" in Inverness for a sinful treat. I then stopped at the book store and picked up "Brisingr" by Christopher Paolina. This is the third book of three in this series. I look forward to seeing what happens. I then went up to the Apple store to see if they had any suggestions on how to get Hunter's i-pod back running. He would have gotten a new one had he keep better care of it. It was still under warranty but due to it having 5 dents in the back if it, they consider it to be abused and would not cover the damage because that is what caused the failure. I have an extended warranty threw Wal-Mart, but it has to be sent off and we will see what they say. I then was so hungry from sleeping all day and not having a dinner last night. I decided that I would splurge just a bit and went by Dreamland for some ribs. This was out of budget, but I figured that it served as 3 meals and that would add up to the cost of the ribs. They were good, but I'm sure Hunter and Amy would have loved to have gone with me. So now it is 0337 in the morning and I sit here writing to you. I think it is time to close out and try to read in my new book.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers that we can find the peace and happiness that was lost.
Love to all of you,
P.S. - I did put some new pictures from the Pell City Compitition in the "Picasa" link. I now have a ton of more room to bring you pictures for a long time. You can just click on the picture of Hunter to go there.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Struggling to be the the man I was not for so long
Hello to everyone,
As most of you know, family life in our home has been and continues to be tested everyday. Amy, Hunter and I are trying to find that happiness that went missing along time ago. Amy is doing much better than I . Hunter is struggling with being a teenager and the decisions that he is making in his life. And I am facing the fact that I was missing from life altogether for some time now.
The song above is a Casting Crowns song that has spoke to me for a long time now, but I never admitted that I was struggling with finding myself. As I am attempting to make the changes in my life to make myself happy and in turn be able to give happiness to my family, friends and co-workers, I find that it is so easy to go back to the way of the past and the comfortable. It takes me thinking about every word that comes from my mouth and every action that I make. It is not just with Amy or Hunter that I have neglected to live and be present. As I have thought about things and looked at what Amy was pointing out to me, I have found that I can see way more that I have done or not done that disturbs me. I want to say to all that care for me that I am sorry that I was absent from life and want all of your support and help to make me be present. I can not fix years of damage overnight, but I will do all I can to make the changes and to keep them changed in the future.
I do want to warn all of you that part of that change is going to take control of this blog as being my way of talking to the world without compromise. I have edited myself many times for the sack of others that read this and not wanting to hurt or anger anyone. But he reason for a blog is to be able to share thoughts and activities without the fear of censorship. So this is my warning to all of you that I am going to write my feeling and thoughts as I wish to. I welcome your comments or questions, but expect you to honor that I have feelings that may hurt your feelings at times and wish for you to have an open mind with me or stop reading this. Thank you for your support, prayers and help.
I don't have much on the day to day to tell you about. Mostly because the daily activities are overshadowed by the thoughts and changes that are going on. Hunter got in trouble at school and elected for licks instead of OSCAR today and he has to miss the Homecoming pep rally today which is not good since he is the section leader for the drums. If any body has a cure for teenage hood, let me know. Kelly and I are working on the trailer that we hall the tractor on and making it easier and safer to use. He is on the way to Tractor Supply now to get a new coupler for ti so that when we get to welding the ramps (hopefully Monday) we can put it on also. We have both been concerned when hauling the tractor that it was going to come off because our coupler is so warn and loose. Of course tonight is homecoming at Winterboro. I am working the concession stand and Amy is going to take the night to sit in the stands with her friends and watch the activities of homecoming. She has really grown into loving her work at the school and she deserves to participate in Homecoming an not work for the band tonight. I hope to sleep most of tomorrow to change from day shift to night shift again and then be at work tomorrow night. Next week is going to be a crazy week with work and prep for the tractor cruise. I will keep you up to date as much as possible.
Till next time,
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Say What you Need to Say
Hello to everyone,
I hope everyone finds themselves living there lives in truth and honor to self. I have found out that for years I have been stuffing feelings to the back and living a unhappy life that did not honor myself and especially my family. Even with the things that effect the lives of the three of us in our family, I have had to come to grip that I did not handle the events real well for many a year now. So now I struggle to figure out how to become honorable to myself which in turn will honor all those that I come to deal with, weather family, friends, co-workers, or even a stranger.
As I put the video on the top of this, This song says a lot about how I feel right now. For those that have not scene the movie "The Bucket List", it is a must see along with "Pursuit of Happiness". I wish that you would take the time to see these.
I am not going to go into all that is going on at my house right now due to the complexity of the situation. But I will tell you that it has been a hard week and will take some time to bring it back to a comfortable state.
I thank all of you that have been affected by the situation and supported Amy and I and continue to do so. Please keep us in your prayers.
As far as other things that have gone on or are going on. The band had competition in Pell City on Saturday. They did a great job. Rodney scored a 1 and got best in class. We would have liked to have scene better scores across, but were pleased with the performance and scores over all.
I still am getting ready for the big Tractor Cruise next weekend. I will be relieved when it is over. Amy continues to do her thing at the school and is growing in confidence like I have not scene in along time. She has also lost weight and is looking real good. Hunter is a 15 year old . rebelling teenager that is driving us crazy. I just wish I could break threw to him and make him understand that his action cause our actions of discipline and concern. HE told us last night that if we did not bug him about his homework he would do it, but he did not turn in two assignments so we had to step in. Its a vicious cycle.
Well , I am going to attempt to do an upgrade on my picture link during the day to day to get more storage and I have a lot of pictures to upload for you to see. I will let you know when they are online.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I've got a date

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mid October and getting close to all the fun events
Its Tuesday morning as I sit here at TCC for the second day in a row. Don't take me wrong, I like doing back to back shifts. It gets them out of the way. I could see how if I could stack all 3 shifts for the week, I would and then have the other 4 to do whatever with. I stayed with ma and pa Rogers last night. They seem to be doing good.
Not much to tell you about right now.
This week seems to be a long week for Amy and I will do what I can to support but not get in the way. I plan on working around the house for the next couple days and help get ready for the family reunion at the farm this weekend. I am also going to attempt to paint the desk I have been refinishing for Amy to use a t Sycamore School and get it put together. I don't want to rush it and it takes all I can not to. I want to paint it and let it sit for several days before assembling it so that the paint can be a hard as possible to be durable. I think I will also spray the top with a polyurethane to help it last a while. I have to work this Friday and will miss going to the away game with the band. They travel to Nogasulga down close to Auburn. I will get to go to the competition in Pell City on Saturday. They are working hard to be the best they can be for this competition. I invite any of you to come out and support the band at competition. I will update a time of performance later in the week.
The Tractor Cruise is getting closer now and I am so nervous that the participation is going to be low. I am going to make it the funnest day possible for who ever shows up.
We have been invited to a Halloween party the night of the 1st that promises to be a fun event since you have to be in costume to get in. I can't wait. Just hope I can stay out of trouble. LOL.
Well, I will let you know more later.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It official, I'm a UAB Employee

Hello to everyone,
I know that the title confuses you since I have worked for almost 3 years now here at TCC, but as of today, I am off probation and am an official UAB Hospital employee. I was worried after bombing my review test, but made a good interview and pulled threw. It does not mean a lot of change for me other than I can now us my benefits of time off and discounts for education for me and the family.
Yes I am sitting here at my desk at TCC for tonight. I worked Still Waters yesterday and last night. We have staff meeting tomorrow morning then some errands. Amy has got me going to Brookwood Village tonight to stand in line and get a number for getting in line on Thursday to meet an author and get him to sign some books. The books are for the library at the school. I do not know who he is, so do not ask.
Nothing much to report on. All I do is work, work on the tractor cruise and sleep. Oh and do Band stuff! The band did well on Saturday at competition, but did not score as well as they should. It was a great day for them and they got to see some great bands. Maybe the scores will be better on the 18th. I personally can not wait till the season is over.
Amy and I are still battling the colds or whatever illness we have. I am so tired of coughing and wheezing.
Well, as most of you know, Hunter turns 15 this Friday. OH MY, I am feeling old. It will be good to have a chauffeur for the year, but scary as well. I will let you know how that is going.
For now, see ya,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hunter plays his pants off
Last night we (Winterboro Blue Knights) were at Vincent. Hunter was in rare form, he was in a happy mode and played his pants right off. Watch the video and you will understand.
So you can see, Hunter was having fun. This drum number is one that Hunter wrote for the line this year. The Cheerleaders have made a dance to it and the band is picking up the dance also.
How do you like the picture of Hunter with his hair pulled up. He did not like it, but Amy and I did and everyone else did. I will upload more pictures from last night another time. I have to upgrade my account to get more room for pictures before I can. I will let you know when I do.
There is not much to catch you up on for this week. Just work and more work. Still working on getting last minute plans done for the tractor cruise. I bet you can not guess where i'm at today. yup, TCC.
Hope everyone is doing OK,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Meet the good reverend - Rodney
I had every intention on giving you a big blog about life and all that is going on in my brain, But I just don't feel like it now.
Of course I sit at TCC on this Saturday. We are watching the tide roll over Arkansas right now. Our own Bulldogs did some rolling last night to a big win against Donaho School. Let me tell you, this year vs last year is a total different feel at the games. It is so enjoyable to have the band rocking the crowd and everyone having a good time. Mr. Lawrence (or Grayson to me) is doing a great job keeping the band active during the game and letting them get into it. For all that can, I would ask you to come see the band perform the half time show, especially in a couple weeks when they have finished it completely.
For those that don't know, the bands show is a southern gospel show and is great. I personally still get chills when they are doing Amazing grace and the the drum line kicks it in as the band makes a push forward bringing the chills to your skin. I, of course, enjoy hearing the drum line and watch Hunter play. But this single event during the show is so dynamic, you can not miss it. The band came off the field last night to the cadence that Hunter wrote and it made me so proud. As far as the good reverend shown above. This is Rodney, our drum major and the spirit of the band this year. HE enjoys doing his thing so much and it shows as he directs and dances on the podium. I look forward to the competitions when the crowd will be listening to the band more than they do at half time and I believe the crowd will be on their feet several times as this show and energy is delivered.
As far as Hunter goes, he is giving us fits. I sure hope it is just age. He is so smart, I hate to see him blow it. He has decided to audition for the Spirit of JSU Drum Corp on bass drum this year. I sure wish he could get on, I feel it would be good for him to get out and see the nation and be able to grow in his talent and as a person. It will be difficult for him at his age to make the Corp, but if he wants it, he can do it.
Amy has had a long week. She had to proctor the Alabama Graduation Exam Thursday and Friday. The first part of the week was just busy for her. She called a while ago and said she awoke not feeling well with a runny nose and sore throat. It is probable from the air last night at the game, it got cool and there was smoke from the grill blowing over us most of the game. She works tonight, so I hope she gets to feeling better.
As for me, I get off at 6:30 this afternoon and head home to hopefully get to bed early and catch some sleep. I work at Still Waters tomorrow for a 24. I am actually off 2 days this week (Monday and Wednesday) but then work 2 days back to back at TCC on Thursday and Friday. So I will stay with the Roger's on Thursday night. I hope to go get the Tractor from the shop on Monday and maybe bush hog the grass down some.
I did put some more pictures in the Band folder and the school folder today for those interested.
I guess I will cut my self off there for today and talk to you later. Have a good week.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Its 9/11
It is now early morning of 9/11, and I hate to say it, but I could not remember which anniversary it was. I had to look it up to find out that it has been 7 years since the attacks on the twin towers that killed so many. As a Paramedic and Fire Fighter (of sorts), I should remember better those that died in the line of duty. I do remember that day well as I was in a meeting for the ambulance service and watched the tower fall in the ED of Coosa Valley Hospital. The next year I remember more of the day after, when Amy got sick and we found out she had Lupus.
I do ask that we all stop and remember those Fire Fighters, Police officers, public service workers and just the ordinary people that died that day of terrorist hands.
I bet you can't guess that I'm at TCC tonight. Well I am of course and headed to Still Waters from here for the day shift. I will be a zombie by tonight. Tomorrow brings on the "Friday Night Lights" aspect of high school life. For us at Winterboro, we dread this game the most out of the year. I am glad it is early in the season and will be over with. It is when we have to play TC (Talladega Central). I guess it is just rivery, but it has gotten rough in the past between the two crowds and schools. For some reason, the TC kids and crowd are not the nicest people out there. Anyway, I will be glad when it is over. I will let you know how it goes.
I wish I had blogged the other night when I was inspired about something, but I can not think of what I wanted to rant about now. So be thankful, it will come to me eventually.
Not much to update you on. We live a boring, work filled, school filled life here and not much changes from day to day. I can tell you this,;If we do not get the tractor back from the shop soon, you will not be able to find my house beneath the weeds in the field. It will take us (Kelly) the rest of the year to get it back to a normal cut and looking good for the family reunion.
So good day to you all,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Just another day!

Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Birthday - AMY
Sunday, August 17, 2008
R.I.P. to Uncle LaVerne
Need some participants to sign up!

As you can tell, I am thinking about the tractor cruise. Actually, I do believe that it consumes 80% of my brain at the present time. I sure wish that some folks would register as participants. I will relax somewhat when we start to get those people in and the number grows. We are going to have a blast, but convincing people of that is proving somewhat difficult. There are a lot of 'interested parties out there. I just have not gotten them to fill the paper out and send in the registration fee. It will happen, I have to have some faith.
I am of course at TCC and have been pretty bored through the night. Not much happening. I got a lot done thought. I got the financial statement for the WEF meeting done, I did some research on the Smart car, I dreamed about a laptop computer by configuring several to figure cost, and of course watched the Olympics. But I am now ready to head home and make my frame for the Tractor cruise billboard sign that will be mounted to a trailer so that it can be moved about over the next several months. I will post a picture of it when done and on the trailer. i am also going to help Brett with his weather truck so he can go chase the hurricane this week. I have to keep myself busy so that I can remain awake to reset for day shift on Monday again. Wish me luck and pray for those around me the later in the day it gets.
Today is Kelly's Birthday, So;
I hope you have a good day of sleep (he is on his weekend shift of nights). We will celebrate one day with a cold one (or two).
Not much to tell you about, Hunter and Amy made it threw the first week of school. They are getting use to the new schedule and new principal. Amy seems to have gotten her room at Sycamore School finally clean, now to decorate it I guess.
This week is another busy week for our family with not much relax time. I have to work almost every day except for Wednesday, but I am going to hunt for sponsorships to the north end of the county and beyond that day. I work at Still Waters later in the week and weekend.
Well of course it has gotten busy because I said something about being slow. Got to go.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Smart Center Birmingham is open

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Where did the summer go? I sure don't remember a break!
I know that I have not blogged in awhile, I am sorry for that. I have not felt like sharing my thoughts as of late due to I am afraid of what might spill out. It has not been an easy summer and I sure have not done anything spacial with my family. I want to share a video with you before I continue. Please take time and watch and then come back for some more.
American Dream - performed by Casting Crowns
Ok, I am stuck with the reality that the "American Dream" consumes most of us. My problem is that I do not feel that I want the dream life that is spoken of. I do want to live comfortably and have some things. But I do not desire a huge house or feel that I am unrealistic in my dreams for my family or myself. But I do work, at last count, 3 paid jobs and have very little time that I am ever off that I get to enjoy or do something that we just want to do. The reality is that i feel that I does not matter how much I work or even Amy works, we are still behind and left wondering how the world is surviving. I look around and see people that do not work that are "living off me as far as I am concerned", that are having fun and playing all the time. I WANT TO PLAY. I hope I am making since. As the song states, I am left empty at the end of the day, chasing the dream. I am tired of doing that!
I have also been struggling with my faith and feelings on the issue. I recently spent some time with a friend of mine that pointed out that I may be doing a disservice to Hunter and myself by not going to church. We talked for many an hour on the subject and I tried explaining how I felt, but never really got the impression that he understood my point. I will explain in short; I do have faith and Amy has a lot of faith. I can not speak for Hunter and do admit that I have wronged in his development of faith. I am a believer, but do not feel that you have to attend church to be a faithful person. Like I told my friend, I know several people that go to church, even sing in the praise band, that I do not believe live a Christan life. They are faith full in church and all nice a friendly. But then in the real world, they do not demonstrate a life that is the same and are mean and act like they do not know you cause you are not in there social group. So going to church does not mean that you are a Christan. I do understand that it is said in the bible that you must congregate with fellow Christians, but can't you do this without the politics of a church. I feel that I worship to the world by having a caring hand and showing friendship to all I can. I know that I have witnessed to many a patient in a way that I can not describe. So am I not a christian cause I don't go to church?
The fact is that I feel that time is a valuable thing that is going to waste. The world is spinning wildly out of control and we focus on the wrong things in life. The world is just to busy and to costly for us to live a comfortable lifestyle anymore without giving up or dreams. My dream is to be able to spend time with Amy and Hunter along with all the people that matter to me. I dream of there not being the nay sayers and the negative people who just bring the world down. My dream is to be able to work and purchase the essentials for living and be able to have a few fun things thrown in there somewhere. MY DREAM IS TO BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME.
So, as you can see, I am struggling a little with everything right now. I know I don't show it to those that see me out and about or even my family. I am sorry that I suppress so much that you don't even know about. But I feel that editing what you see and know is the only way to make you guys happy. Amy is always on me about why I am "happy" when out and around people, and not when I am at home. I always tell her that it is just a show and that I am really miserable. I have to admit that I am a people person and love to be around people, even when they make me unhappy. As most of you know, I love to volunteer my time away and do it way to much. But it makes me happy and I feel good when I do for whomever I am giving to. But I need to learn to say no and give more to myself which in turn will give more to my family. So I am going to try to make this change. I will be hard for me to do, but I feel it is necessary. I ask for your support and prayers as I make this effort to change. I even ask for you to out right tell me to stop if you see me doing something that I can eliminate. Now don't go to crazy, I can not stop working like I do right now, so don't even go there unless you have a million to loan me to invest and live off the interest. If you do, I will return it to you in 10-15 years and live the rest of my life off it. But that probably want happen, so I will keep working.
Now, Amy believes in a book see read recently called "The Secret". From what she has told me , it states that if you ask the universe for something or an answer for something, that it will give the thing to you or give you the answer. I have to interpret this in my mind as turning the decision or want over to God to answer. To me. " The Universe" is "God". But I do believe that with faith, the answers are given to us for life and even the common questions. The problem I have,and I believe the world has, is I am impatient and do it an my own. We need to learn to slow down and listen and be patient. I can give you an example of this that happened to me today. I was asked to purchase a new chainsaw by my parents. I have know we were going to need one for a while now and have been doing research. Well, when Mom told me to get one, I went back to my research yesterday and actually got myself so confused as to what I wanted, It was awful. I called several stores and read as much as I could on which of the brands I wanted. Well I had decided on a Husqavarna since there is a local dealership and service center, but I really wanted a Stihl based on research. Well, I went to dinner with a friend and co-worker last night and he overheard me talking with my brother about his opinion. He told me that his son was a Stihl dealer and would call him in the morning and see what price he could get me. I just said thanks and went on. Well, as I was laying there trying to go to sleep and thinking about the saws, I decided to let the universe decide which one I was supposed to get. I said that If the son called me and could save me a little money, I would take that as a sign that I was to get a Stihl. But if he did not call or it was trouble to get threw him, I would just go with the Husky. So this morning about 0820, he called me to find out what I wanted. he said he would call me later in the day and give me pricing. he called back within 10 minutes and said he had a minute, so he got the pricing for me and he was $100 cheaper than the dealership I had talked to. He set it up for me to pick up and it was done.
I would say that was a pretty clear sign. So "why can all things not work like that" is the question I came up with. Well my answer to you is, they all can if we will slow down and let the answers come instead of worrying or rushing. Now to teach myself that lesson and live by it.
As you can tell by now, I have been thinking a lot lately about everything. There is so much more that I want to tell you. But I think I will end this Blog and save some for another time.
For a quick update on what is up in my life:
1)My car is a big unknown right now since they have again moved my delivery date back to June 2009. They can not tell me why it moved in the wrong direction, but are supposed to be working on it.
2)If you have not visited the link for the pictures of the drum line. I urge you to go to it and see the completed (or almost completed) drum line that Hunter and I did over the summer. They look good and everyone seems to be happy at the school with them.
3)Band camp went well last week. I am glad it is done and they band seemed to be coming along good.
4)Amy has already started back at the school and Hunter starts on Thursday.
5)The Tractor Cruise is coming along, just not as fast as I want it to. I really wish we had more active members to help with some of it, but we will get it done.
Thanks for reading and caring enough to read all my rant.
I leave you with another song to listen to that is inspiring to me. ENJOY.
Voice of Truth - Casting Crowns
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Nothing to say
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Three days straight

Friday, July 4, 2008
Tractor Cruising in Missouri and a long work week

Besides that, It has just been the normal busy life around our home. Hunter was at Spirit Camp last week then overnight, turned over to go to BSA camp for this week. This month looks extremely busy and of course we will be to school stuff and school before we can think about it.
I hope all of you are having a good summer and look forward to your family time as much as I do.
Till next time, Jeff
Thursday, June 19, 2008
another long June night

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It is now late in the evening of Father's Day 2008. I sit here at TCC as normal. I has been a slow Father's Day for me with me working and coming in late last night and sleeping till late into the afternoon today. As I left for work, I headed up the hill to wish my father a happy Father's Day. I was slightly down due to the fact that I had not found a gift that I thought my father could use or needed. I do not like to by token gifts if it is not meant or from the heart. So I went into the home to find him on the computer doing something and gave him a hug and a verbal wish of the day "Happy Father's Day". I explained to him that I had not bought anything and as I knew he would, he told me not to worry about it. Well dad, I do worry about it. You have always been there for me and my family and I wish I could do so much for you and mom to say thank you for all that you do for us. I love you so much and have learned how to be a man from you and feel that I fall so short of being a father compared to you. So as I sat thinking about it. I do want to give you a gift, but it is the gift of my gratitude for you and all that you have shown me and taught me threw the years. And by the way, thanks for my fathers day gift from you guys, I do wish you would not do so much sometimes. I love you both.
Amy and Hunter are home from Georgia and I am happy they are. I am not around a lot, but I still miss them when they are not close. This week will be no different with me working a lot, but I hope to get to work with Hunter on the drum some and help him get ready for the two camps he has coming up the next two weeks.
For those that are interested, here is my schedule for the week: Sunday - TCC night, Monday - off day, Tuesday - Care 24, Wednesday - TCC night, Thursday - off, Friday - Care 24, Saturday - TCC night
I have to go to the Traffic Court in the morning here in Birmingham and pay my ticket. I can not believe that I even have one. For those that don't know, I got a ticket for supposedly running a red light. IT WAS YELLOW, but the officer did not see it that way. So it will cost me $133. I tried talking to the officer with no result, so I figure I should just pay it rather than take a day off work to go to court and then still probably pay it plus loose a days pay. I don't like it, I did nothing wrong. Oh well.
I will talk to everyone later,
Friday, June 13, 2008
A load off Hunter's back

As you can see, We have gotten Hunter a stand for his Tenor Drums. This will take a big load off his back next week during Drum camp and then during practice and season. I hope that the band is able to come threw and purchase stands for all the drums for the line, but we wanted Hunter to have one for the camp. So when the school gets them, Hunt will have is own for at home. It will be much better on him and on the drums. Also, some of the stickers from Pearl came in so that the drums we are redoing will look awesome and just like new. Jason at Gadsden Music got Pearl to give them to us, so that was great. I will send some pictures as we get them done.
I had a good day yesterday at Care, only ran one call. Talk about some easy money! The only problem is that I was unable to keep myself going all night and fell asleep, there for I did not rest a lot today. So I will be a zombie tomorrow.
TCC so far has been busy tonight. I guess it makes it go by faster, but I would not mind it slowing a little. Not much to tell you other than that, SO I will check back later.