As you can tell, I am thinking about the tractor cruise. Actually, I do believe that it consumes 80% of my brain at the present time. I sure wish that some folks would register as participants. I will relax somewhat when we start to get those people in and the number grows. We are going to have a blast, but convincing people of that is proving somewhat difficult. There are a lot of 'interested parties out there. I just have not gotten them to fill the paper out and send in the registration fee. It will happen, I have to have some faith.
I am of course at TCC and have been pretty bored through the night. Not much happening. I got a lot done thought. I got the financial statement for the WEF meeting done, I did some research on the Smart car, I dreamed about a laptop computer by configuring several to figure cost, and of course watched the Olympics. But I am now ready to head home and make my frame for the Tractor cruise billboard sign that will be mounted to a trailer so that it can be moved about over the next several months. I will post a picture of it when done and on the trailer. i am also going to help Brett with his weather truck so he can go chase the hurricane this week. I have to keep myself busy so that I can remain awake to reset for day shift on Monday again. Wish me luck and pray for those around me the later in the day it gets.
Today is Kelly's Birthday, So;
I hope you have a good day of sleep (he is on his weekend shift of nights). We will celebrate one day with a cold one (or two).
Not much to tell you about, Hunter and Amy made it threw the first week of school. They are getting use to the new schedule and new principal. Amy seems to have gotten her room at Sycamore School finally clean, now to decorate it I guess.
This week is another busy week for our family with not much relax time. I have to work almost every day except for Wednesday, but I am going to hunt for sponsorships to the north end of the county and beyond that day. I work at Still Waters later in the week and weekend.
Well of course it has gotten busy because I said something about being slow. Got to go.
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