Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What to do about an attitude?

Hello to everyone,
Does this boy look like he could cause me so much grief? HE IS! I am at my end with him about his attitude and not doing his school work. Amy called me today to tell me that he once again had grades that were going to hold him from being allowed to participate in the pep rally. Then when she looked further into his grades, he is failing 2 classes badly. There nothing else to take away except to pull him from band altogether and that is what I threatened to do. He is so smart, I do not understand.
Anyway, I hope all of you are well. I myself am sleep deprived and still have a long week to go. I sure hope to rest some on Saturday. I, of course, sit here at ATCC for the night. I got off this morning from Still Waters ans got a small nap this afternoon, but not enough. I go back to Winterboro for a commitment from 11 till 2 or 3 tomorrow then back to ATCC tomorrow night. Then Friday, I will head home and get a nap before heading to Linden to watch Hunter and the Band perform. I am off Saturday, but will have to get up to take Hunter to a scouting event and then maybe get some rest after that. I hope Amy and I get to go get some dinner Saturday night, but if not, I will just rest at home. Then its back to work at ATCC Sunday and Monday. Don't that sound like a fun schedule. Not to me.
I don't have much to say tonight. Kinda lonely and not feeling the best. It's gonna be a long night I guess. I brought my book and think I will try to just read.
Talk to you later,

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