Hello everyone,
I have the current burden of trying to sell this old U-Haul truck for the band boosters. We have decided to sell the truck and purchase us a trailer. This will save us a lot of money in maintenance and upkeep. So if anyone knows someone that wants one, let me know.
Since my last post, I worked at SAS on Monday. We had a easy shift with three calls total. Nothing exciting to speak of. For some reason, I could not sleep at the service. So when I got home on Tuesday, I went to sleep for what was supposed to be a short nap. I awoke at 2:30 pm in a panic. I was supposed to have an ad in the traders helper by 3 pm for the truck and have a grant application to Wal-Mart today. I got both done believe it or not and was still early to pick Hunter up at practice. Hunter, Amy and I then rode up to Talladega to submit a grant application to the Wal-Mart there also. I sure hope these matching grants come thru. It would mean $2000.00 for the band to work on purchasing instruments and equipment needed. When we got home from Talladega, I rested some more looking at my new personal info cards that Amy hooked me up with. They are call MOO cards and to see more about them, visit Amy's blog by using the link to the right side. I can't wait to use them. We are going to make a collage of the first run series of them due to the pictures are a great snap shot of me and my interests. I will try and do a post with a picture of it so you can see. I am going to have to re order some more cards to hand out since I am using half the order for the picture. Wait till I see you and give you one, you will see why they are so interesting. Today, I got to sleep in just a little before coming to work at TCC at 2:30 this afternoon. I was supposed to have lunch with a friend from high school but we are having difficulty pulling it off due to our schedules changing. We will try again another day. It has been steady here but not to bad. Another hour till I go home to get ready to start the process back over at SAS tomorrow. I do not look forward to tomorrow since I will not be with my partner till late in the day. I don't mind working with Deanna, I just hate changing back and forth. I don't like change very much, especially in the middle of a shift. But it will be OK. I will let you know how it goes.
Till next time,