Happy Birthday, AMY
Well, Amy turns 35 August 27, 2007. So that means that by the time you read this, it will be her Birthday. We had dinner at my parents tonight to celebrate with a meal that Amy ordered up, along with a Red Velvet Cake as per Amy's wish. Above are the pictures of the gift I crafted for her as a Birthday gift. It is a lanyard for her school ID when she starts to substitute around Winterboro. I made it from ribbon and put a few essentials on it. It has a place for her ID badge, a watch (since she does not like to wear one)and I put her a 2 Gig jump drive on it so she can carry PTA files or documents back and forth from school to home. I hope it will hold up well and she enjoys it.
Just a quick note on what's been up around here since my last post. I believe I left you at TCC. We had an uneventful night. I did get Amy's gift made. The next day was back to SAS. We had a hard day with one call after another. Both units kept going steady tell about 6 pm, then it just stopped. We had a good dinner and some relax time. Both units got up once during the night to take a patient to Birmingham. On Saturday and Sunday I was off both days. I'm not use to that. I did have a special called meeting at the fire department to go over the specifications for a new quick response type vehicle we are trying to purchase. To my disbelief, we all agreed on one pretty fast and decided to move on getting the bids out and the unit purchased rather quickly. I came home and we worked on the den some more, till time for Amy to go work at Grandmom's house for the night. I watched a movie and Hunter played on the computer till about 11 pm and then we went to sleep. I slept in till almost 2 this afternoon. A got up and put on my old clothes and crawled under the house to run new wires in order to move the entertainment center to the new spot. I hate all the wires needed to make all the surround system and dish ready to move. But it's done and all moved. It does look so much better in the new place. I can not wait to finish the other side of the room and get the computer station set up and out of the bed room. Then, like I said above, we had dinner for Amy's birthday tonight and now it is time to get some sleep so I can work tomorrow at SAS.
I'll talk to you guys later,
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