Hello to everyone, I have been very busy or very sleepy for a couple of weeks now. I will be glad when school is out or May is over one. This has been the longest month but yet it seems that April was yesterday. Anyway, things here are crazy with getting all the things at the school done before school gets out.
I don't know of much to tell you about. It all such a blah story.
I did finally configure my SMART car. It still does not tell me when it will come , but made me feel pretty good to make a move closer. I do know that they are working on the dealership in Hoover. My hope is that when it opens, they will start filling the Alabama orders and my # will get moved up from the national list. I can not wait to get it.
I finally got some money for drum equipment out of the money that I have generated for the band. That is a long story in itself and I really don't want to get into that. But I ended up generating right at $10,000 for the band this year. I did get recognized for that at awards day from the Principal, but I would trade my award for the new drum line that I was working for any day. I hate that the bands debt took it all and disappointed me. Anyway, off the soap box. We are getting new heads and a lot of parts and stuff to refinish out drums and make them look and sound new. I will post some pictures as Hunter and I do the work.
We have had a rough time with Hunter as of late. He is going threw a really rough time of being 14 and figuring out who he is and how to separate that from the influence of his peers. He is had several bad days this week and I hope is learning some lessons from them.
Amy is still battling feeling bad and the pressures of the end of the school year. It is hard to understand how she feels most of the time and I just wish that I could be better at understanding. I feel that she will sleep for days when school is out. But then maybe we can have some time threw the very short summer to make some progress around the house and our lives.
I am considering taking a full time shift on the ambulance for a few months to attempt to help make some financial progress. This has been a hard decision to make and Amy and I are still talking about it. It would be god financially, but it would mean absolutely no family time for the summer due to I would work the 24 on the ambulance then ether the night after I got off or the day before the ambulance shift at TCC to keep my status there. I don't know exactly what I will do right yet, but i will let you know.
I am praying for Thomas and Paige teat they can be lead down the path of adoption with ease and understanding. I salute them for being so gracious to help this child in the most important way that they can and give that child the greatest gift it could ever receive. PARENTS that love and care for her.
My we all pray for Hubert to get well also from his infection, and be with Peggy as she continues to work with he doctors to keep well. We all also pray for Cynthia with her illness, may it subside and allow her to be well. I guess this list could go forever since we all have something going on. So I will just ask that we all pray and think about each other always.
I am going to close with that idea of how we all have to take care of each other for that is all we have is our family's to relay on. May God be with each of you and with me.
1 comment:
This was a sweet post. Thank you for worrying about me!
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