Hello to everyone and yes I am still alive and kicking. It has been crazy for me for several weeks and when I had a chance to blog, I was sleeping. I have worked some crazy hours and then just had one project after another. So that my excuse for not keeping you up to date.
I will run threw a few of the latest events in the life of the White's. As I said, I have been working crazy hours. My sleep pattern is so messed up, I don't know what to do.
Amy has been real sick for about a week and a half. She came home on Thursday before the race for the 4 day weekend she had been looking forward to. She had planned on doing some house work and things she wanted to do. I had to work the 4 nights of that time. Well on Thursday night about 10:30, I had not heard from her so I called and she was already asleep. When I got home about 9:30 the next morning, she was still asleep and I crawled into bed and slept till 4:30. I got up , got ready for work and left for work with her still asleep. Hunter and I chatted on the IM most of the night and he would check on her but she remained asleep. I again got home about 8:30 and she was still asleep. She finally got up sometime about 12:30 or so a while I was sleeping. She was sicker than I have scene her in a long time. I got up a little early to go to work and ran to town to get her some cough medicine. Well, again she was asleep early and Hunter and I chatted threw the night. I was at home on Monday with her and she was up and down. I medicated her and Nursed all day. I had to work the next day, so when I got home about 8:30 pm, I cooked Hunter and her dinner, but she was still so sick, she asked me to take her to the emergency room. We were there most of the night and the medicined (I know that it is not a real word) her up. She has made a slow recovery and is still weak but went back to work today. I will be glad when school is out for the summer and she can get some rest.
Friday, Amy drove Hunter up to meet me at work and Hunter and I went to the Crawfish Boil concert. Amy did not want to go. But anyway, Hunter had wanted to go for several months to see the group Seether. The picture at the top is of him next to the lead singer after the show. We had a good time except for the drunk 17 year old passing out and me having to work on him for about 30 minutes in the middle of the crowd till the medics found us to get him out.
Saturday was mostly a rest day. Then that night, Hunter had a dance at school and I went to help him with the sound system and to help chaperon. It was fun.
Sunday, Again was sort of a rest day. I work around the house some and Hunter helped me. He got his new ipod touch when we went to Walmart. We told him he could get it with some of the tax money a while back and he was driving me crazy about it. Its pretty neat.
Well now its back to a full week and the normal work and go life style.
I will attempt to do better with posting, but no promises.
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