Have you ever just wanted to throw a computer out the window to make you feel better? I did yesterday and may still in the days to come. Mom's computer crashed a while back and ever since, I have been trying to restore her financial files. I do not think it can be done. I will say, my happiness with Quicken is very low right now. I was under the impression that you reinstalled the program then restored the data file and it was done. NOT!! I had at least 8 versions of data going at one point yesterday. and got all them so intertwined that it was not even funny. The 2 service reps that tried to help me made since, but as soon as I would get off line with them, I would do something and get myself right back in the same mess. After 6+ hours yesterday, I gave up with a partially restored file that has a balance in the negatives of thousands. So I guess if any of you a re Quicken experts, I need help.
Anyway, I was so tired and frustrated last night, I had a headache to kill a person. So when I hit the bed with a sleeping pill and 500 of Alive, I was out of here.
Not much exciting has happened around me other than I am working halfway steady on a shift for RPS on the side now. I hope that being on a steady shift will allow me to better regulate my sleep and have more usable off time. I will let you know. I know I am going to work A shift in Pell City threw April as of right now. I think I will like working there. I have a good partner currently and a decent station.
I am loving my little car. The Alabama SMARTIES club is a lot of fun. We are going to do a car show in April that I think will be fun. For those that do not know, the caar i got was not the car i ordered. It is just like the car I ordered but was acually an "orphan" that I accecpted. My car came in a couple weeks ago and I orphaned it out. I did get by to actually see it. So I parked my LiL Guy next to it and here is a picture of them together below. I understand that a young man adopted it last Saturday. I sure wish I could have gotten it for Amy. Maybe later we can get Amy and Hunter one.

Have a good night and several days till I talk to you again.
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