Sunday, November 30, 2008
A thought for us during this christmas season with the help of Casting Crowns
Hello to everyone,
I am at TCC for the 5th day this week and am ready for a break. I go to Still Waters for a 48 hour shift tomorrow, but at least it is a change in scenery.
Amy and Hunter got home safely from ATL on Saturday night. They stayed at the Rogers till tonight and are now on the way HOME. Yes, I said home. Amy and I are going to work threw some additional issues, but have missed each other and have come to an agreement to work threw our differences and road blocks together as a family. This means a lot to me and I will continue to pray and work hard to make my family happy and one again. Thank you all for your support and words of encouragement over the last few weeks. I know that all is not healed nor perfect, but I also know that with love, all things are possible.
I will talk to everyone later in the week.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas stress is upon me.
Hello to everyone,
As we have passed Thanksgiving, It is now time for all the stresses of Christmas and gift purchasing to emerge on us. This time of year is always stressful on me, even with most of my gift decisions already made and for that much, mostly ready for pick up. There are always a few gifts that seem to be hard for me to find or figure out.
Then it comes to the question at hand that I never can answer, "What do you want for Christmas?". I am a dreamer of things, but really do not care one way or the other. Yes I dream of a lot of things, but they are dreams and not needs. But since I was told that my wish list was small the other day, I have gone in and made a true dream list on amazon. The button above will take you to that list and just knock yourself out from it. Just kidding.
Now, a little soap box about Christmas time. I love Christmas, I just hate the stresses of Christmas and that brings me down. I ask all of you to reflect on the value of your family during this time and devote quality time with them. I am not one that has done this well in the past, but want to try hard this year to make more time to relax and love with my family. Unfortunately, I have to work Christmas Eve, but plan on spending the day with them and some more days around that time.
For those that need to know a few crucial dates for December, I will give you the important dates that I know of for my family. 4th is WHS Band concert at 6:30pm, 6th is WHS parades in Sycamore and Sylacauga, 11th is Hunter's performance at CVMC for the tree lighting, 13th is the White family Christmas day, 19th is Early School Dismissal day and of course the 25th - Christmas day
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend and it was safe for you all.
And the last thing for today.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A long Thanksgiving week to come.

Hello to everyone,
I have been away from here for a couple weeks to let myself do some thinking about how I want to proceed with my blog or if I was going to even do it at all. I do enjoy working with it, so I have decide that I will do it when I feel the urge to do something on it. i know a lot of you use this to keep up with me and I will do my best to let you know what is up with me.
Since my last post, there has been a little progress made between Amy and I to a better understanding of feelings, or lack there of, and what each of us are looking for. I still pray for a resolve. I feel that we have both grown in understanding and respect of each others feelings. Still a lot to work on.
Hunter has stayed with me for the last couple weeks and we have had some good times. We went to the ABC 33/40 skywatcher program last weekend and re certified in our storm spotter for the year. If you watch ABC 33/40 and you see a weather advertisement where James talks and then the watchers are shown behind him, Hunter and I are to the very top Right side of the group.
Amy has not felt well in a couple weeks with a cold and then a stomach bug, butt seems to be doing better. She and Hunter are going to ATL for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I get to work night shifts this week and pull Wednesday threw Sunday morning straight threw. I am still hunting a part time job since Home Depot did not have any openings for me. I guess I will call around to some ambulance companies this coming week and see what is out there.
I do not have anything else for today. I will try to update you during the week.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What to do about an attitude?
Hello to everyone,
Does this boy look like he could cause me so much grief? HE IS! I am at my end with him about his attitude and not doing his school work. Amy called me today to tell me that he once again had grades that were going to hold him from being allowed to participate in the pep rally. Then when she looked further into his grades, he is failing 2 classes badly. There nothing else to take away except to pull him from band altogether and that is what I threatened to do. He is so smart, I do not understand.
Anyway, I hope all of you are well. I myself am sleep deprived and still have a long week to go. I sure hope to rest some on Saturday. I, of course, sit here at ATCC for the night. I got off this morning from Still Waters ans got a small nap this afternoon, but not enough. I go back to Winterboro for a commitment from 11 till 2 or 3 tomorrow then back to ATCC tomorrow night. Then Friday, I will head home and get a nap before heading to Linden to watch Hunter and the Band perform. I am off Saturday, but will have to get up to take Hunter to a scouting event and then maybe get some rest after that. I hope Amy and I get to go get some dinner Saturday night, but if not, I will just rest at home. Then its back to work at ATCC Sunday and Monday. Don't that sound like a fun schedule. Not to me.
I don't have much to say tonight. Kinda lonely and not feeling the best. It's gonna be a long night I guess. I brought my book and think I will try to just read.
Talk to you later,
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tractor Cruise, Done for this year!
Yes, its really over for awhile. I guess I will start working on next year in the summer. It went well, just wish we had more participation. Everyone had a good time. The picture above is all the participants at lunch in front of the sign that was pulled threw out the cruise with kids and teachers from the school riding. Joe ended up pulling the float since my tractor would not handle it at all. I hope to make a collaboration of pictures from everyone I can get them from and make a album. I will let you know when done.
After the cruise and cleanup. We headed to a throw down Halloween party. I can't tell you to much about it for the risk of ruining my reputation or incriminating myself. Lets just say that I had a good time but do not remember the getting home part. Thank god for Amy not drinking. I will post a picture of me in my costume of a Tequila Bottle for you to see. I wish there was a better one with the full head part on, but there is not. Unfortunately, It looked like a Tequila bottle from the front when you could see the logo, but Hunter made em take it off cause of what it looked like from the side and back which we can not mention on here where kids might be reading.
Not much else to report to you. No big changes have happened in the situation at hand. I may not say a lot on this about that for awhile so that we can have the privacy to work threw some issues without help from the peanut gallery. We thank all of you for your concerns and prayers. Please be patient and keep praying for us.
Love to Everyone,
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