Today is Amy and my 17th wedding anniversary, I can not believe it is already that. we have certainly had a great marriage even with its downs, there are always the ups. We have a wonderful son ( that I currently want to ship off due to the terrible 14s) and for the most part, a good life. I sure wish we were a lot further toward being comfortable and happier, but I will not complain. I want to tell all of you that have been there for us over the years, THANKS. Both The Rogers and my parents have always been there when we needed something and I don't think that if I had a million dollars that I could repay ether of them back for all they have done to help us threw the years. I could not ask for more.
We, of course, don't have a lot of plans for this year. We are just happy to be together and have the family support we Have.
Yesterday was a day full of Sycamore Fire events. It was a good day. We got or yearly EVOC done in the morning. I then cut the grass and weed eated the grounds for the get together we had last night. We had a great get together with food, fun and fellowship. I wish that more had participated, it was a lot of fun. I sure miss the good days of the department when it was strong and we all helped each other and enjoyed doing the duties of the department. The inner division that has formed over the last few years have taken such a toll on the department, I'm not sure it will ever be the happy, all together department it was. I predict that it will self destruct from the "clicks" that have formed and witch hunting that is always going on. For those of you in the department that might read this. My wish for us, is to all put our egos and personal feelings to the side and realize that we all give what we can give and it does not matter whether you run one call or 100 calls or that one person has a number that is higher than yours. The person in # 30 can sometimes teach the person in #1 something and it takes us all to make the department go. There must be order and a chain of command to ensure that the department meets regulations and runs. But no matter weather you have years of experience or are new, it takes us all to make it go. Open up your minds and realize that we all are a family and if you shut your family off, you will be left alone and miserable. We need to come together and work threw these problems and rebuild the department to the fun filled working place it can be and be the leading department in the county and be the best as we have always been. We now have the equipment that we have worked for years to get and can now come together and do the best jobs ever. Look around on the next call that we run like the wreck on Oldfield road last week end and realize that we look awesome with or togetherness, structure and equipment.Let make it work and come together to make a department that we can all enjoy to be a part of and not dread coming to functions or meetings due not wanting to be around one another and bitching at one another.
I have to go to work now, but will come back and talk some more later.
Jeff, Before I got involoved into anything, I would realize there is 2 stories to every side. Don't make a believer out of everyone and be 2 faced. I agree with almost everything you said about the fire dept, except for everyone is not treated in the right fairness. Whats right is right and wrong is wrong should be for everyone not just the ones that think that ought to be on top and own the show..Your right the dept needs to come to a head, The same'ol "click" does need to be gotten out of there, and until it does our dept will never have any other good workers or any one who actually wants to join, due to the fact that things are still the same as they were 10 years ago, He said, She said, shit and nobody wants to change that. And, there are people that have been in there that long or longer that may need to take a break to see if we can get any new joiners, because as long as this crap is going on nothing is going to change...Do you think this dept is run fair and/or the right way? Would you want your kids treated any differently, if they were in the same sport? No, you wouldn't..And neither do we, We are suppose to be adults, but all this dept is one big whos out to get who and whos out to make the other one mad at who so they can be at the top. You know we should change the name, It shouldn't be Sycamore Fire any more..Because, If anyone wants drama, Damn, the tv they can come to the B&P Fire Dept and they can get all the bull from the past and the present and if you didn't have shades on you might see whats going on as well. Competeing against the other Dept would be wonderful,, Having something for this community that shows would be great but as long as the same "click" is trying to run the dept and talk and have problems with other people it will never be anything be a place for equipment to be stored. I would love to be somwhat like the other dept, but as you said, once again,,WE can't even come to gether to get our building up and our relationships built to make it a better place for us all. To many things are done behind each other back. And, you know this isn't really the place to be discussing this matter because I know you have only 1 side to this story that should have not been discussed out, but eveidently was, so I've tried to be nice and I will continue to be nice, as long as it goes both ways but one thing I will not continue to do is take any bull that is dished out from this dept or anyone who is in it, I will get even not mad, I'm getting to old for that..Now, Lets grow up and get the old trouble out since they don't have enough gunk about themselves to do it for us and get a life with the dept...
another anonymous said....
Jeff, sometimes problems don't always come from old, but from new. Seems like to me it is all High School drama.
Well, Jeff Gotten more response than you think, huh? Well, if this is high school drama, then act like adults. But, If the problem has been there years then it must be old. What do ya think? Old is trouble...
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