Let me bring you up to date on the things affecting me. I left you on Friday the 1st. It is now Thursday the 7th, so thats only a week.
When I got off friday morning, I was going to go to Costco for a quike visit. I arrived to find that it did not open till 11 am and I was not about to wait that long as tired as I was. I did stop and bug the Mercedes dealer about my car for a minute. I got homeabout 10:30 and took a nap till Amy and Hunter got home. I realy dont remember doing much other than dinner and relaxing. I got to sleep in Saturday till time to head to work . I worked the 2:30 -10:30 shift and back home. I was off Sunday and did basically nothing ( afew odds and ends around the house). Then it was back to the grind on Monday morning at 6:30. I got off at 4:30 and then headed to Costco for my visit. I like going there and looking around. I got home just befor Hunter and Amy got in from Band Boosters. We got dinner and back to get some rest. Tuesday, I went in at Care for a day shift but ended up working till 9 the next morning. We had some real rough weather on Wednsday morning around the state and school was cancelled for the day. So I got a day with Amy and Hunter yesterday which was nice. But now I am back at TCC since 6:30. It has been a busy day here. I leave in just a few minutes to head to Krispy Cream to pick up 250 dozen donutes for the band, then have to be at the school for Hunters concert.
So anyway, Maybe I brought you up to date enough. My life has not had anything exciting except work to tell about. Of course there is drama everyday of some sort, but nothing to important.
If you are interested, I did put some new pictures on the picasa site of all the Tony Stewart stuff I am tring to sell. I am working on getting them on e-bay or something.

Talk to you later.
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