Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Feeling a little stronger about my decisions

Hello everyone,

Yes, I am out of SAS. I clocked out at exactly 0800 hrs Monday morning of the 17th of December. There was very little even said to me except by Preston and my partner Deanna. They were very supportive and wished me the best. Mr. Curtis did not even acknowledge anything was happening, but I did not expect him to. He does not even realize what was given over the ten years + I put into the company. Oh well and fare well.

I did orientation at Care today taking several competency test and watching a bunch of videos on all kinds of procedures and how to protect yourself and what to do if you have an incident. I did run my first call with Care also today. It went OK. I am not used to the modern equipment that they have to do vitals with and not do it myself. I will adapt quickly I feel. I even got to do a Drug screen and physical exam by a doctor. What a concept of prevention.

I am now pulling a 12 hour night shift at TCC. Its been a good night so far. I have painted the legs on Hunters drum table (pictures of final project to follow on another post), and worked on Tractor Cruise stuff to present to the powers that be to get permissions for road usage. I will again let you know more about the Tractor Cruise later. I am going to post the Logo that Paige and Thomas help me by designing and working on it. The whole Tractor Cruise committee love it and can not wait to start printing and preparing for our event. The Logo will look good on the fliers and t-shirts along with all that goes along with the cruise advertising. THANK YOU SO MUCH PAIGE AND THOMAS!!!

Till next Time,

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