It has been another long week fort the White family. I left you on Monday night after working in the yard and being busy all day. So I shall try and feel in since then.
Tuesday, another day at SAS. It was not a bad day, but nor a good day (I was at SAS). I did get a new partner due to Patsy leaving to go to work at Citizen's Hospital. Her name is Deanna. I think she will be a good partner. She is pregnant, so I know she will be off when she gets to where she can not lift till she gets back from maternity leave. I do worry a little about her being on the same shift as her boyfriend or going to be husband (when he gets his diverse). I had a run in with Tanya today but that has gotten to be so common, it is not worth a response.
When I awoke on Wednesday, I felt good and for some reason decided to go to a few businesses to see if I could get enough donations for the lettering of the band trailer. To my surprise, I got a lot of good response and I did not stop going door to door till after lunch. I ended up with $420.00. to go to the trailer fund. the lettering is only going to be $250.00. That means we can use the rest for other things. I am keeping up with every penny that I bring in for the trailer so that I can show that we ended up paying for the trailer without using general budget money. So that means that with the money raised today with the cost of the lettering factored in, we only need $613.62 to have it paid for. I felt real good. While I was out, Amy called and needed me to go to Wal-Mart and get some bags for student of the week. She is going to to the students bags today due to a short day tomorrow and no school Friday. I got the bags and headed for the school. Amy gave me the list of what the students want in their bags and I went to get that. After getting it back to Amy, I went to the band room to tell Ms. Street about the money given for the trailer. She was not in a good mood because she had gotten the letter stating that the Grant we had applied for had been turned down. I headed back to town to do a couple more errands before going home to get cleaned up. I had a FD meeting about the new quick attack vehicle we are trying to get ordered.. It is supposed to be family night so as soon as the meeting was over I took off to home to get Hunter and Amy so we cold go get supper. We went to Giavoni's and had a great pizza then back home.
Thursday, I was at work at 6:30 am. had a good day at TCC. I spent most of the time faxing letters to every senator or congressmen, of our districts, to ask for help with money for instruments for the band. I got off at 2:30 pm. I wasted some time as I had a Doctors appointment at 4 pm. After it. I headed home. We went to Golden Rule for steaks for Dinner and then of course had to go to Wal-Mart for something. We did a few things around the house then to bed.
Friday, I was back at SAS. I went in at 6:30 am for Jim to leave early. I got my truck and the two ambulances of the day washed before anyone else got there. We had a good slow day. I ran a few more stops on my donation list for the band and got another $150.00 and several more promises of money made. That brings me to a total of $570.00 for the trailer raised (meaning we have $463.62 to go). I picked the trailer up from Watson's Paint and Body after lunch. The trailer is a beautiful blue now. It does not even look like the one we bought. I can not wait to get it lettered. My relief showed up at 2:00 pm and I was heading out the door to go home when Amy and Hunter pulled up. They had been to Subway to eat. She had a letter from Congressman Mike Rogers, but it was just to tell me he had no resource funds for the band. We headed to the house to get changed for the game and then we headed to to school to get loaded. The game was interesting. The team looked better and of course the band did awesome. Just after we started the 3rd quarter, the power went out. We were in the dark for I think about an hour and a half or so. It was chaos but fun at the same time. The game could not be called due to it being an area game and no other time to reschedule within the allotted time due to the race going on this weekend. After the power came back on, the team did not do as well and we ended up loosing the game. Amy and I also had a run in with a parent at the game that was not pleasant. we have since learned that this lady is just a problem maker and looks for fights, we just happened to get this one. The school administrators are planning on trying to bring her in to talk with her about the whole incident and the effects it had on the kids around her and us. We did not get home till about 1:30 am. Hunter got a shower and headed up to the hill to stay at mom and dads cause we have to be at the track so early. I think we finally laid down at about 4 after talking along time about the events at the game. I remember seeing the clock at 4:30 and must have passed out.
Saturday, I do not remember the alarm going off at 5 to go to the track. I awoke to find it was 5:38 am and we had to be at the school at 6. Amy could not get up so I went ahead and was only about 8 minutes late. We headed up to the track with a good group to work. We got the stand up and running and opened for business. Amy awoke I think about 9 and called to find out how to get to us at the track. She finally made it in after a lot of us talking on the phone to find each other in the crowd. We had a bad cash day but we had a great crew and a real good tip day. We got home about 7:30pm to find that our air conditioner was not working. By the sound of the compressor, It does not have freon in it. I guess when we ran the heater the other day it did something to bust a freon line. We just can't seem to win. In the mail was some great news for the band. State senator Pruitt has requested $5000.00 for the band to help with instruments. Hunter came down and Amy went to grandma's to work. It may have been warm, but I don't remember laying down after my shower.
It is now Sunday. I slept in till noon. Amy came in sometime about 8:30 and laid down to. It was very warm in the house. I got ready for work. Amy and Hunter headed up the hill to stay where the air worked. I took the band trailer to the sign man so he could get to work on it tomorrow. I headed to TCC to work. So far it has been an OK day. We are waiting on the storm of calls now that the race has ended and all the people are hitting the interstate to get home. Maybe it won't be to bad.
I will update the blog ASAP with the video of Fridays band performance, so keep on checking it.
Talk to you soon,
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