Hello to everyone,
I am at ATCC tonight after working the Ambulance last night. Tomorrow brings the 2nd BAMA SMARTIES club meeting. We are meeting then having a cruise around town and then going to eat. It should be a great time. I will let you know.
Let me tell you, my son is a "Mad Drummer". The reason I say that is demonstrated in the picture below.
As you can tell, he gathered every drum he could get a hold of to make his set "BIG". I think he is off his rocker brain. But he enjoys it. I just wish he would be serious and play some good stuff instead of just playing around. I guess he is just having fun.
Well I will let you know when you can come listen to a concert from him. Until then, I will keep letting you know how he progresses.
Talk to you later.
Hello everyone,
Yes, Another year has gone by. I can not believe that in another, I will be 40. It has been a good day for me. I got off from RPS this morning and rested most of the day. I watched the inauguration for a while and then took a nap. The nap was just not long enough. I guess I should have turned Obama off and slept, but I wanted to watch and listen. Then mom cooked a birthday dinner to die for and we ate before I had to head to work for the night. It was awesome, MOM. THANKS. Then, of course, there was the Savage's cake that is a tradition in my family. Again, it was awesome.
Now, as for next year. We are going to have a 40 year throw down. So consider this your warning or invitatation. But we will be having a birthday bash. I will have to figure outt the details, but you must put it on your calendar now so that you can be there. And be saving up for the cover charge for the band.
I have not done much but work since the last post. I am loving my little car. It is so much fun. We are having a BAMA SMARTIES meet and greet this Saturday and it should be a lot of fun. You can go to the BAMA SMARTIES web site if you want at: http://www.smartusainsider.com/group/bamasmarties
So I work tonight, then go to Still Waters for a day shift tommorow. RPS in Odenville on Thursday and TCC Friday night. So as you can see, I am going to be busy for the next few days. I will update you soon.
Hello everyone,
I went and got my tag for the SMART today. I went last week and the lady told me that new tags were coming today, so I waited. It looks good on my blue car.
I am on a 3 night straight at ATCC then a day off and 3 straight days at ATCC. Not much to tell you about. Hunter left on his hiking trip today threw Monday. Amy rode in with me and has gone to do some shopping that she wanted to do and just generally have time to walk around an look at what she wants to. She likes doing that by herself when she can. We stopped and had a great meal at Bella's on the way in and she is going to hang till I get off and we care going to get the Honda and head home in the morning. She is out in the LiL Guy right now. I knwo she will enjoy it once she relaxes about driving it. Se loved her Focus cause it was small and easy to park. So she will be in heaven with my car.
I will talk to everyone later,