Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hunter plays his pants off
Last night we (Winterboro Blue Knights) were at Vincent. Hunter was in rare form, he was in a happy mode and played his pants right off. Watch the video and you will understand.
So you can see, Hunter was having fun. This drum number is one that Hunter wrote for the line this year. The Cheerleaders have made a dance to it and the band is picking up the dance also.
How do you like the picture of Hunter with his hair pulled up. He did not like it, but Amy and I did and everyone else did. I will upload more pictures from last night another time. I have to upgrade my account to get more room for pictures before I can. I will let you know when I do.
There is not much to catch you up on for this week. Just work and more work. Still working on getting last minute plans done for the tractor cruise. I bet you can not guess where i'm at today. yup, TCC.
Hope everyone is doing OK,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Meet the good reverend - Rodney
I had every intention on giving you a big blog about life and all that is going on in my brain, But I just don't feel like it now.
Of course I sit at TCC on this Saturday. We are watching the tide roll over Arkansas right now. Our own Bulldogs did some rolling last night to a big win against Donaho School. Let me tell you, this year vs last year is a total different feel at the games. It is so enjoyable to have the band rocking the crowd and everyone having a good time. Mr. Lawrence (or Grayson to me) is doing a great job keeping the band active during the game and letting them get into it. For all that can, I would ask you to come see the band perform the half time show, especially in a couple weeks when they have finished it completely.
For those that don't know, the bands show is a southern gospel show and is great. I personally still get chills when they are doing Amazing grace and the the drum line kicks it in as the band makes a push forward bringing the chills to your skin. I, of course, enjoy hearing the drum line and watch Hunter play. But this single event during the show is so dynamic, you can not miss it. The band came off the field last night to the cadence that Hunter wrote and it made me so proud. As far as the good reverend shown above. This is Rodney, our drum major and the spirit of the band this year. HE enjoys doing his thing so much and it shows as he directs and dances on the podium. I look forward to the competitions when the crowd will be listening to the band more than they do at half time and I believe the crowd will be on their feet several times as this show and energy is delivered.
As far as Hunter goes, he is giving us fits. I sure hope it is just age. He is so smart, I hate to see him blow it. He has decided to audition for the Spirit of JSU Drum Corp on bass drum this year. I sure wish he could get on, I feel it would be good for him to get out and see the nation and be able to grow in his talent and as a person. It will be difficult for him at his age to make the Corp, but if he wants it, he can do it.
Amy has had a long week. She had to proctor the Alabama Graduation Exam Thursday and Friday. The first part of the week was just busy for her. She called a while ago and said she awoke not feeling well with a runny nose and sore throat. It is probable from the air last night at the game, it got cool and there was smoke from the grill blowing over us most of the game. She works tonight, so I hope she gets to feeling better.
As for me, I get off at 6:30 this afternoon and head home to hopefully get to bed early and catch some sleep. I work at Still Waters tomorrow for a 24. I am actually off 2 days this week (Monday and Wednesday) but then work 2 days back to back at TCC on Thursday and Friday. So I will stay with the Roger's on Thursday night. I hope to go get the Tractor from the shop on Monday and maybe bush hog the grass down some.
I did put some more pictures in the Band folder and the school folder today for those interested.
I guess I will cut my self off there for today and talk to you later. Have a good week.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Its 9/11
Hello everyone,
It is now early morning of 9/11, and I hate to say it, but I could not remember which anniversary it was. I had to look it up to find out that it has been 7 years since the attacks on the twin towers that killed so many. As a Paramedic and Fire Fighter (of sorts), I should remember better those that died in the line of duty. I do remember that day well as I was in a meeting for the ambulance service and watched the tower fall in the ED of Coosa Valley Hospital. The next year I remember more of the day after, when Amy got sick and we found out she had Lupus.
I do ask that we all stop and remember those Fire Fighters, Police officers, public service workers and just the ordinary people that died that day of terrorist hands.
I bet you can't guess that I'm at TCC tonight. Well I am of course and headed to Still Waters from here for the day shift. I will be a zombie by tonight. Tomorrow brings on the "Friday Night Lights" aspect of high school life. For us at Winterboro, we dread this game the most out of the year. I am glad it is early in the season and will be over with. It is when we have to play TC (Talladega Central). I guess it is just rivery, but it has gotten rough in the past between the two crowds and schools. For some reason, the TC kids and crowd are not the nicest people out there. Anyway, I will be glad when it is over. I will let you know how it goes.
I wish I had blogged the other night when I was inspired about something, but I can not think of what I wanted to rant about now. So be thankful, it will come to me eventually.
Not much to update you on. We live a boring, work filled, school filled life here and not much changes from day to day. I can tell you this,;If we do not get the tractor back from the shop soon, you will not be able to find my house beneath the weeds in the field. It will take us (Kelly) the rest of the year to get it back to a normal cut and looking good for the family reunion.
So good day to you all,
It is now early morning of 9/11, and I hate to say it, but I could not remember which anniversary it was. I had to look it up to find out that it has been 7 years since the attacks on the twin towers that killed so many. As a Paramedic and Fire Fighter (of sorts), I should remember better those that died in the line of duty. I do remember that day well as I was in a meeting for the ambulance service and watched the tower fall in the ED of Coosa Valley Hospital. The next year I remember more of the day after, when Amy got sick and we found out she had Lupus.
I do ask that we all stop and remember those Fire Fighters, Police officers, public service workers and just the ordinary people that died that day of terrorist hands.
I bet you can't guess that I'm at TCC tonight. Well I am of course and headed to Still Waters from here for the day shift. I will be a zombie by tonight. Tomorrow brings on the "Friday Night Lights" aspect of high school life. For us at Winterboro, we dread this game the most out of the year. I am glad it is early in the season and will be over with. It is when we have to play TC (Talladega Central). I guess it is just rivery, but it has gotten rough in the past between the two crowds and schools. For some reason, the TC kids and crowd are not the nicest people out there. Anyway, I will be glad when it is over. I will let you know how it goes.
I wish I had blogged the other night when I was inspired about something, but I can not think of what I wanted to rant about now. So be thankful, it will come to me eventually.
Not much to update you on. We live a boring, work filled, school filled life here and not much changes from day to day. I can tell you this,;If we do not get the tractor back from the shop soon, you will not be able to find my house beneath the weeds in the field. It will take us (Kelly) the rest of the year to get it back to a normal cut and looking good for the family reunion.
So good day to you all,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Just another day!

Hello everyone,
Yes, I sit here at TCC in the middle of the night once again. I worked last night and then tonight again. I stayed in my second room at the Rogers last night so as to not have to drive so much and save some liquid gold. I got a great nap today and then got out to run some errands before work. First was Nextel to get Hunters phone put back together again. He goes threw flips like water. I guess he is going to start being a lot more careful since they told me that was the last time they would put a flip part on it without a $100 deductible. He and I are going to have to have an agreement on repair costs and he can be careful or do without. I also went by Hancock's To get some embroidery supplies to try and do the stole for the drum major (that is another story). I got some dinner or Breakfast in my case and headed to work. So far so good, RIGHT. Well that is where it became JUST ANOTHER DAY!
I am working with a co-worker that is either just plan lazy or does not care. Several of us have complained, but nothing seems to change him. When the boss says something to him, it gets better for a short time then back to the same old way. Well, tonight has been one of those nights were he has not helped. He even did not answer the phone when I was on the phone with Amy and knew it. I got MAD. I was dealing with a computer problem in Huntsville and a radio problem a Trinity while all of this was going on, he never bother to try to help. Well, the boss called to see if we had followed up on the radio problem and I told him that I had not had time due to the computer problem. He said "you have a partner, Don't you?" I think I said, "sort of" but can not really remember there was so much going on. He asked if he had helped me at all and I was reluctant to answer. He told me it was a yes or no answer, so I said no. He said he would handle the problem, so maybe something will be done. I just hate causing trouble, but I am tired of doing 80% of the work and he makes more than I do. I had even made a complaint about a week ago about this issue, so it was not the first time the boss heard it from me. Well, I decided that I would say something to him about making me put down the phone with Amy and answer the TCC line with him just sitting there. He said he did not hear it at first then said he knew it was for me about the computers, so he did not answer. I am just trying not to say anything to him now and get out of here in the morning.
Anyway, sorry for the venting, I just needed to tell the story .
Tomorrow is an away game at Fayetteville, so I will head home for a nap then get the band trailer clean and ready to go. I did not get the light in it this week but will before the next away game. As for the robe and stole story from earlier. The bands show this year is a southern gospel theme. So the secondary Drum Major wanted a robe and stole to wear as if he was a choir director or preacher (I don't know which). We at first got him a borrowed robe and stole from the church and they decided not to use it. When we lost the primary Drum Major, it was decided to go back with the idea. I was asked to help figure out a Blue Robe and White stole with some embroidery on it. We tried getting a several ways to get a gown and found several sites to order one from. But as with luck would have it, Mom ran across a representative from Balfour at church and he donated a nice Blue robe today and mom has already cut out a stole to be embroidered but then today made a back up stole for him to use tomorrow since the embroidered one is not finished. So I will get a picture tomorrow night of our "preacher". It is going to be great. And THANKS mom for all your help with this project. I will post pictures and story from the game this weekend when I return for Saturday and Sunday nights at TCC.
I am going to find something on the computer to watch and talk to you later.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Birthday - AMY
Hello Everyone,
It is Monday night now and I sit here at TCC like normal. Has been a hard night and day for some reason, but we will get to that later.
On Wednesday the 27th, it was Amy's Birthday. I had to work at TCC during the day but still managed to get her a cake from Savage's. Even as careful as I was, it still feel apart somewhat before getting home (it did not affect its taste). Well anyway, Here birthday gift from Hunter and I was a horse riding lesson on Sunday the 31st at El Gezira Riding Academy in Harpersville. Amy had mentioned several times over the past years that she had never ridden a horse and wanted to try. So when she mentioned it again a few months ago. I was bound and determined to make it happened. I asked around to some friends of mine that raise horses but could not get a taker to teach her. So I called El Gizera and a lady named Pam said she would be glad to work with Amy. So Amy got almost two hours with a horse named Cody yesterday. She seemed to enjoy it a lot. I think it would be a good thing for her to do every so often, she got to groom Cody and take care of him along with ride. You can go to the picture link for more pictures from her day;
This week was also Mrs. Rogers Birthday. We meet the Rogers at Olive Garden yesterday for a dinner to visit and celebrate the two birthdays. Thanks for the dinner Hubert, I enjoyed mine. There are a few pictures in the Rogers Family Album from this dinner.
A lot has been happening since my last post, so I will try to catch you up somewhat.
As you know, Uncle LaVerne died and so we went to Atlanta to the funeral on the 19th of August. As sad as a funeral is, I found it a good feeling day due to seeing some of my nieces and nephew that I have not scene in forever along with their kids. There are some pictures from that also in the Rogers Family Albulm to the right column. I do wish to keep the Farr's in our prayers as they adjust to the loss of LaVerne.
Between the funeral and Amy's Birthday was just more of the same, WORK, WORK AND MORE WORK. I think that is all there is anymore.
I did get out and try to do some fund raising on Tuesday, but did not do to much bring it in. Friday brought the first change in my schedule for some time now. I got off from Care that morning and headed to Sylacauga to run some errands before going home. Got a hair cut and did some banking. When home, I worked on the pick-up to get it ready for band season this year. Dad helped me and we had a few hours of talk time as we worked. We got a new wiring plug installed on the truck so that it has a high amp. hot wire to go to the band trailer so that some outside flood lights can be put on to light the area when the students are putting up instruments. I hope to get those light sin and working tomorrow. After working on the truck, I got ready so that when Hunter and Amy got home we could run get some dinner and head to the school for Friday Night at the football game. We worked out butts off, let me tell you. We lost the game, But the band looked good for the first game out. The band s show is going to bring the house down when all finished and polished up. As we were going to leave the concession stand with a load of trash, that is when it went the wrong way for me. First, my hand got slammed in the truck door. Then as I was getting into the bed of the truck to throw out the garbage, I feel or slipped and ended up hitting the bed rails of the truck and the tailgate with various parts of my body. OUCH!!!!!. Well needless to say, I did not sleep well after getting home late and being so sore it was unbelievable. I got up at 4:45 and got ready for work as normal. But when I came in to tell Amy buy, she told me that there was no way I could go to work in the state I was in (this is what she tells me, cause I don't remember any of it). I apparently called in and went back to bed to awaken about 7 that night. I think I got up for a little while but right back to bed till Sunday. I feel a lot better now even with the soreness that lingers.
Between Hunter and I having mysterious illness or injury, that sums up the last couple of weeks. This week does not look to be as bad but it is just starting. I will let you know.
Till then,
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