Thursday, June 19, 2008
another long June night

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It is now late in the evening of Father's Day 2008. I sit here at TCC as normal. I has been a slow Father's Day for me with me working and coming in late last night and sleeping till late into the afternoon today. As I left for work, I headed up the hill to wish my father a happy Father's Day. I was slightly down due to the fact that I had not found a gift that I thought my father could use or needed. I do not like to by token gifts if it is not meant or from the heart. So I went into the home to find him on the computer doing something and gave him a hug and a verbal wish of the day "Happy Father's Day". I explained to him that I had not bought anything and as I knew he would, he told me not to worry about it. Well dad, I do worry about it. You have always been there for me and my family and I wish I could do so much for you and mom to say thank you for all that you do for us. I love you so much and have learned how to be a man from you and feel that I fall so short of being a father compared to you. So as I sat thinking about it. I do want to give you a gift, but it is the gift of my gratitude for you and all that you have shown me and taught me threw the years. And by the way, thanks for my fathers day gift from you guys, I do wish you would not do so much sometimes. I love you both.
Amy and Hunter are home from Georgia and I am happy they are. I am not around a lot, but I still miss them when they are not close. This week will be no different with me working a lot, but I hope to get to work with Hunter on the drum some and help him get ready for the two camps he has coming up the next two weeks.
For those that are interested, here is my schedule for the week: Sunday - TCC night, Monday - off day, Tuesday - Care 24, Wednesday - TCC night, Thursday - off, Friday - Care 24, Saturday - TCC night
I have to go to the Traffic Court in the morning here in Birmingham and pay my ticket. I can not believe that I even have one. For those that don't know, I got a ticket for supposedly running a red light. IT WAS YELLOW, but the officer did not see it that way. So it will cost me $133. I tried talking to the officer with no result, so I figure I should just pay it rather than take a day off work to go to court and then still probably pay it plus loose a days pay. I don't like it, I did nothing wrong. Oh well.
I will talk to everyone later,
Friday, June 13, 2008
A load off Hunter's back

As you can see, We have gotten Hunter a stand for his Tenor Drums. This will take a big load off his back next week during Drum camp and then during practice and season. I hope that the band is able to come threw and purchase stands for all the drums for the line, but we wanted Hunter to have one for the camp. So when the school gets them, Hunt will have is own for at home. It will be much better on him and on the drums. Also, some of the stickers from Pearl came in so that the drums we are redoing will look awesome and just like new. Jason at Gadsden Music got Pearl to give them to us, so that was great. I will send some pictures as we get them done.
I had a good day yesterday at Care, only ran one call. Talk about some easy money! The only problem is that I was unable to keep myself going all night and fell asleep, there for I did not rest a lot today. So I will be a zombie tomorrow.
TCC so far has been busy tonight. I guess it makes it go by faster, but I would not mind it slowing a little. Not much to tell you other than that, SO I will check back later.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Wish I was fishing

Hello to everybody,
How I wish I was in the waters at Costa De Cocos fishing. That is where the picture at the top of my page was taken. In the shallow, beautiful blue waters between Mexico and Belize. Hunter and I fished there a couple years ago, and I so want to go back there instead of being here.
I did not get to write last night, so I thought I would catch you up tonight. As you know from my previous post, I switched back to night shift last night. It went good and slow. I got off late but made it home OK and hit the bed hard. Now I sit here at home, trying to get sleepy so that I can work tomorrow. But since I slept till 4 pm, It is going to be hard. Glad I don't drive at Care tomorrow. But I will make it.
I had a interesting day today that I will share with you. Just as my alarm went off at 4 this afternoon, the radio went off for a medical call here in Sycamore. As we were responding, we got canceled. I had just gotten back in the door good when the dispatcher came across the radio and asked if any one in the department was willing to go mess with a snake in a home. Scott answered her and said that he would go, I immediately, also told Scott that I was responding. Scott had gone on to the house and I stopped at the FD to pick up a CO2 extinguisher to freeze the snake if it was poisonous. I arrived to find everybody gathered around on the back porch with a Rat snake in the corner. I wrangled the snake out the door and got him picked up to take away. He was about 4 feet long or so and in good health. I'm sure he was just hunting some place cooler. I brought him here to the farm and let it go in the back field to find some more rats. When I was leaving to go to the snake call, I noticed Mrs. Barnett pulling up at Grand mom's. So when I got back and got my hands washed I headed up the hill to see her and Grand mom. She was getting ready to leave, but I got a hug in. Mom mentioned to me that Mrs. Barnett was having trouble with her tractor. I told her I would run over and see what it was doing. I hugged Grand mom and then headed to Mrs. Barnett's. I found that the alternator had seized up causing the tractor belt to not turn and there for not letting the tractor turn over or run. I removed it and am going to pick up a new one tomorrow and stop on my way home and put the new one on for her.
I then headed to the FD meeting that I sure did not want to go to. It went about as expected with some feeling mixed in with rational thoughts. I know in the long run, it will run its course and come back around. But till then, it going to be rough going. I sure will keep an open mind and pray for the well being of every person involved and for the department. I ask that you join me in my prayer.
After the meeting, I got something to eat and got home to just have to go back out the door for another medical call with the FD. I then came home and did some cleaning around the house and got a shower. And that brings me to know, at almost 1 in the morning, needing to get some sleep but not sleepy. So I will leave you for now and try to lay down for a nap. I will talk to you in a couple days.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Scuppernong Vine Pergolas
Hello To Everyone,
The last two days have been pretty good. I worked at Care on Thursday for a 24 hour shift and had a decent shift. Then on Friday, Amy and I went to Homestead Hollow while Hunter went to a friends house on the lake for the day. The craft show was OK but not as big as last year. Hunter seemed to have a good time but was sun burnt and tired when he got home. Amy and I even ventured into the lake on the spur of the moment from a friends lot and pier. The only problem was that I forgot that I had my contacts in and ended up hurting my left eye by trying to get out a contact that was not even there when I came up out of the water. The water felt so good. I do not remember when the last time I went for a swim in the a lake. When we got home, I went up and put the finishing touches on the pergolas since dad had found toppers for the 4x4 post. Here is a link to the pictures of it. http://picasaweb.google.com/everyoneknowsjeff/ScuppernongVinePergolas
I am now at TCC for the day. I work Care tomorrow for 24. Then swap back to nights at TCC for two weeks starting Monday night. Amy leaves to go to Georgia for the week on Monday morning, so I guess I will work and sleep all week. Tuesday night is the VFD meeting and I do not look forward to it. I sure hope everyone will come in with open minds so that we can work threw the problem at hand and get on with normal operations.
I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will talk to you Monday night.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Good Bye Mary Anne - R.I.P.
It is Wednesday and another Beautiful Summer HOT day. Of course I am at TCC working but wish I was home and in the bed. I did not sleep much last night at all.
I received some tragic news about a friend and old employer on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Anne Blake died on Monday morning in a car wreck. For those of you that have known Amy and I along time, you know that we worked for the Blake's for several years and even lived and worked on their farm in Chelsea for awhile. Of course there where ups and downs of our relationship with the Blake's. But over the last several years, I had gotten to see Mrs. Mary Anne as I went in and out of Shelby Hospital ED and had renewed a friendly relationship with her and always enjoyed seeing her when I walked in the door there at the ED. So I was with sadness that I took the news of her passing. I will continue to pray for her and her family. My grief is with Dr. Blake and her two daughters and family.
The last couple days have been very busy for me around the house. I have worked on outside projects to the point of exhaustion. But as you know, I love a project and don't ever know when to stop till I am about laying on the ground. I did stop yesterday afternoon in time to spend a little time with Amy and Hunter and have dinner and a movie. I know have a couple days of work here and tomorrow at Care. Friday is a family day out and then back to work again. I of course will do my best to blog on Saturday when I return to TCC. I then change to nights for two weeks and have several shifts for Care next week.
I do want to make a quick note as a follow up to my last post. I received a comment from "anonymous" and thank you for your input. I do have concern that you do not know me very well to tell me that I am two faced and one sided. I don't think you can find anyone that tries as hard as I do to be impartial and open to comment. I usually speak my opinion on a event or situation freely and with out regret. I believe that it is right to say what is correct and be objective all the time. There are times when you have to know when to speak and when not to, but to lie or deceive is never the right way. So I do take offence to being told that I am two faced. I do have some deep friendships within the department and therefore do have an opinion of my own. But even my deepest friend will tell you that we have not always scene eye to eye and agreed, but have talked it threw and came to a understanding. As far as being told one side of a story or whatever you refer, I have listened to all for several years now and if you open your eyes and ears, the division will hit you square in the face. Is one side right or wrong is not for me to judge. I do have to decide where I stand on issues as I see them, and at that point make a decision. I do know that we have lost some good people due to the personal feelings between parties. If we all were to stop and just talk, we can work threw all the problems going on. I do have my opinion as you do. But that is our right to make. I feel that you have your mind made up on issues and for some reason feel that I am a threat. I AM NOT. I joined the Fire Department 11 years ago to serve the people of Sycamore due to my training as a medic and as a professional firefighter. I have not enjoyed it for a long time but tell myself that if I can help just one person in need with the skills that I have, it is worth the pain. Everyone at the department has something to give. New or Old. I do not like the comment about maybe needing to get rid of the Old to make room for new. It takes the Old to past the lessons learned and teach the new. I still learn from people all the time. Sometimes it is an old timer telling me something they have learned in the past, sometimes it is a young person telling me of a new improved way to do something. Just Saturday, as we all sat in the department during the wait of EVOC, I learned several things (some personal and some professional). But I also learned a lot about the division that I feel is the problem and heard things that bothered me greatly. Then that evening, you yourself saw that the night started with a division of parties , but got better as we relaxed and had fun. We can get along and have a great department. It is up to each of us to decide that we want to accept that we are all different and have different opinions, but are still a family. I don't know about your family, butI promise that even my personal family do not always see eye to eye, but still love one another and find a way to forgive. I am sorry that you feel the way you do and hope that it can all be worked threw. If you wish to talk, please feel free to get with me and we will work out a time to talk. I do not wish for my personal blog to become a forum for this type discussion. I use this blog for my personal thoughts on issues that I wish to share with the world that is getting to know who Jeff is and feel that a feud or misunderstanding can be addressed in a more productive way. I do feel that I know who "anonymous" is, but since you choose to not identify yourself, I felt that I should address the comment. You can always go to my e-mail link to the right column and send a personal message to me and we can continue to talk. Again, I do thank you for the comment and feel that I understand some more know that I did not before.
For you that read this and are not part of Sycamore Fire. I do appoligize for the personal manor of the last couple of post. But I do feel that it is a part of my life and there for addressed.
Tell next time,
Sunday, June 1, 2008
17th Aviversary