I have posted some new pictures to my picture album (in "Jeff's favorite things") on the side links. But the two above show two of the great gifts that my brother Kelly gave to me this last Christmas. I have been meaning on sharing them with you for awhile but finally got around to taking the pictures. As you can see, The four bottles of Tequila are in a nice metal travel case. For those of you that do not know, I like Tequila and follow Cabo Wabo Tequila mostly. But this is a Patron set of four different variations or qualities. There is the standard silver in the upper L, a anejo in the upper R, a reposado in the bottom L, and the special bottle of Coffee Tequila to the bottom R. This bottle is what he was hunting for me and he could only find it in this gift set. I certainly don't want to know what he paid for this set but I loved the gift. He told me about the Coffee Tequila about a year ago and we have both hunted for it, but he found it. Someone had a bottle of it at a party he was at and that set off the hunt. He knew that I had to try it. It is great and I recommend it for those of you that like coffee and a kick. The other gift from Kelly is what he and I had agreed to. You see, we always struggle to get for each other so we agreed to tell each other what we wanted. So I told him that I had seen this antique cigar ashtray at a local shop and would enjoy it when we build our house and I can sit on the front porch in a rocker with a good cigar. He had told me that he wanted gift cards from BASS Pro Shop which is what Amy, Hunter and I got him in different amounts. Anyway, Thanks so much Kelly for the gifts and I will enjoy them for awhile I know.
Now, don't think that I did not like any other gifts. I thank all of you for all you gave, especially the cash which has been secured till I can come up with something worth while to us it on. I love all of you and appreciate all that you do for me and all that you give to me and my family.
Now for what you come for, my so called diary of the things in my life. I have had a decent week this week with a couple good family nights. I don't like working everyday like I am right now but I do like being home at night almost every night. I will have to evaluate if I want to go back to a 24 hour shift when one becomes available. Anyway, I left you on Monday the 21st and of course I was at TCC. Tuesday brought about a day shift at Care. It turned out to be a long shift since as we were about to get off, a long out of town trip came in and so the day truck was held till the other truck could get back. So I got off at 0114 in the morning. We made several calls but overall it was a good day. Wednesday; guess what? I slept in (more than i had even planned). Anyway, I was off but had a list of stuff to do. I fixed the leaking facet out back of the house and fixed a shower head inside along with running errands in town for us and WEF. The best part is that by 1730 I was in and cleaned up eating some pizza and we watched a movie as a family and went to bed. Thursday; At TCC by 0630 till 1630 hrs, So not much to tell you but to have to fight traffic home and then eat and go to bed. Friday; Back to Care. We had great day, NO CALLS. I did teach six people EVOC refresher throughout the day and got that handled. I got home at a decent hour and we again watched a movie then went to bed. I did enjoy a little of the Tequila Kelly gave me in a Margareta. I slept most of Saturday away, getting up at 1600 to get ready to head to TCC for the night shift. So here I am at 0120 writing to you and catching up with everyone out there. I am here till 0730 but am just going to take a nap in the back till 1430 when I have to be back in here at TCC. I must have just not paid any attention to have scheduled myself like that. But I will make it. Monday I head back to Care and then another OFF day on Tuesday. I will catch you up sometime in there.
Till then,